Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to dwell en español


dwell verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
dwelt, has dwelt, is dwelling, dwells
residir, morar, vivir

Ejemplos de uso de
dwell verb

  • This sure is a scary cave! I wonder if bats dwell here.
  • She's dwelling with a farm family as an exchange student in France.

Sinónimos de
dwell verb

Sinónimos detallados para dwell verb

Ver: Reside

Traducción inversa para to dwell

residir  - to reside, to dwell 
morar  - to dwell, to reside 
vivir  - to live, to live, to be alive, to go through, to experience, to subsist, to make a living, to reside, to spend one's life 
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